Thursday, January 22, 2015

Virtual Selves

Kathleen Sanchez
January 22, 2015

Students tend to be online more often and some grow up being online. In this quote "we seldom pause to consider how this virtual society might be different from more traditional forms of community life". In this quote seldom means not often or rarely tend to think to ourselves how this society with kids that tend to be online often can affect them with any type of relationships. I agree that kids or students being online or growing up online can affect their relationships, even the creation of one's identity and the nature of community. 

As students tend to use Inter-media pages or social media pages such as Instagram. Which is where students can upload pictures and insert a caption to their photo and also talking to others can affect them by many ways. Not only for Instagram but also Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, KIK, and Snapchat can effect students and even harm students. The reason why i think it can effect students is for an example a high school student can post a picture of himself and his friends drinking alcohol and tend to find it cool, but a few days later he gets into trouble with his parents or teachers or even a relationship with their mate because they can get the information from a family member or friend informing the parents of what the guy or it can be a random student from his school that saw a picture and showed it to the teacher or parent. Pictures are not the only things that affect you but words can also affect you and others, like they say action speak louder than words, but words can hurt them too verbally because you don’t know deep down what they went through.

Such as twitter, Myspace, and Facebook, it can affect you because you can get into some kind of trouble with a teacher, police, even with your parents and the things by saying something about your teacher or your parents even that has to do something with gang-violence or drugs... You never want to put something up because you are putting yourself into danger and others which can also affect them.

Their isn’t only students that can affect them or others but other people on social media pages can harm us. Such as “Catfish”, Catfish is a person who pretends to be someone they’re not, using Facebook or other social media to create false identities, particularly to pursue deceptive online romances. There are so many ways they can be a catfish not only in a romance way but it can also be a threatening way or an enemy that you seek to have revenge on. Social media can do so many things to a person that you can reveal a secret about them that they have done in the past. I don’t think in it’s the right thing that people are a catfish or an enemy or even a random person can say so much and leak out so many things that it can cause students to commit suicide and it wouldn’t be an exotic thing either.

Why do you think people pretend to be somebody they aren’t? Do you think it affects themselves or the person they are talking to? In my opinion it affects both of these people and there are so many reasons why it affects them and why people pretend to be somebody they are not. My reasoning is why I think men and women pretend to be somebody they are not is because they probably don’t have the confidence to feel secure about themselves, these people need to embrace their flaws and accept the way they look, and in this world nobody isn’t perfect. The reason why I say this is because the person that is pretending to be somebody can lead a person’s feelings and the person that has feelings finds out that it isn’t the person they really were.

In the passage ‘What You Say Online Could Haunt You: Schools, Employers, Scrutinize Social Websites Such as Myspace and Facebook” students don’t find it fair that teachers or schools should use the internet against their students, such as a student posting something saying “I want to rob this bank” but when they’re not breaking laws or hurting themselves or someone else. I do agree that the fact if you are a student and you are attending to UCLA or Berkley or NYU and you posted something that’s threatening; I think the school has every right not only because you are making the school look bad, but it makes your reputation look bad even when you think it’s a joke.

What you can do to make yourself a better person or to do the right thing is to think about something as this student named Guinn said “In the beginning, I kind of posted whatever without really thinking about it” he also said “I could have saved myself a lot of misery, had I just sat down and used my common sense” this shows you a life lesson not to do anything that affects you or harm you and think before you do anything.

In addition to this social media can affect you in good ways or bad ways. The good ways are you can use social media pages to get people’s attention such as making a page for people that are going through a depression or people that want to commit suicide can make a page to help teens and adults. The bad ways that social media can affect you is by leaking private things about others. Before you post something up in a social media page you should think what to say and think before you do something.

There are two different types of people in this world which are people that live their life in technology and people that hardly on technology are communicative and anti-social with others. I think people that live on technology should learn how to be more anti-social and communicate with others because in the future they will need to communicate in jobs and standing up for themselves. It’s a big life lesson to know what you choose or what you decide in life.