Sunday, January 12, 2014

Edward Snowden

    Edward Snowden is a criminal whom has hacked into g-mail accounts, conversations on cellphones and computers, and business records. I believe that Edward Snowden should pay the consequences for what he did, it wouldn't be safe if he wasn't in jail Snowden can expose something that's not suppose to be said. In this text it proves that "Snowden also leaked a secret 41-slide power point presentation apparently used to train U.S intelligence personnel. The slides detail the NSA's involvement in a then-clandestine program called PRISM". PRISM is the NSA effort to collect data from internet as in search histories, it can access to YouTube, Skype, Google, and other industry. "Edward Snowden a twenty-nine year old former C.I.A employee and current government contractor has leaked news of National Security Agency programs that collect vast amounts of information about telephone calls made by millions of Americans, as well as e-mails and other files of Foreign targets and their American connections. This proves that Edward Snowden is a criminal because he knew what he was getting into, he knew what he was going to expose, he had the ability to go through people personnel conversations, calls, texts, anything! He should be put in prison because their is a possibility he can take money from people's credit card. "No one can know what was in Edward Snowden's mind, but clearly he could of had a reasonable belief the documents he leaked to the news media revealed government illegality and abuse of authority". "In the two months since Snowden alleged disclosures, no fewer than fine law suits have been filled challenging the legality of the surveillance programs he exposed". 

     In my belief Edward Snowden is whistle blower because he was a C.I.A employee and current government contractor and he hacked into credit cards, phone calls, and get passwords. A whistle blower is a person who exposes misconduct, alleged dishonest or illegal activity occurring in an organization. "The whistle blower Protection Act protects any disclosure that a covered employee reasonably believes evidence any violation of any law, rule, or regulation, or gross mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, and abuse of authority in substantial and specific danger to public Health or Safety." Edward Snowden is a whistle blower, but in my belief he did the right thing because the government listened to phone call conversations, and locations where we are located at. Edward Snowden is a whistle blower, it proves that he isn't a criminal just because he leaked into g-mail accounts he said "If i wanted to see your e-mails on your wife's phone, all i have to do is use intercepts". This didn't make Edward Snowden a criminal, instead in act that speaks move to his ego than his conscience, he threw secrets up in the air to let people know what the government was doing, and trusted, somehow, that good would come of it. Now we all have to hope if hes a criminal or a whistle blower.

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