Sunday, January 12, 2014

Lamb to the Slaughter Analysis

In this story'Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl uses irony to make the story memorable. Their is different type's of irony as in situational irony, and dramatic irony.

This story is about a wife named Mary Maloney who killed her husband named Patrick Maloney for something wrong he did. One day Mr.Maloney had came from work really tired, it was a thursday night, Mrs.Maloney said "We go out to eat on thursdays", but Mr.Maloney look tired, so she decided to make some cheese and crackers but Mr.Maloney didn't feel the need to eat becasue he had so much things going on his mind. He was thinking a lot that it made him worried and nervous to tell his wife and get over it but it wasn't that easy for him. What did Mr.Maloney have to say to his wife? Was it something bad?

When Mr.Maloney had told her the bad news, Mary was shocked she didn't believe any of it, like that was her imangination as if she had seen the whole thing. She was so upset that she just wanted to act like nothing happen, so she went downstairs to her basement to get a leg of lamb. As she walked upstairs and saw her husband she threw the leg of lamb she had in her hand, she felt like she had to throw the leg of lamb to him because she saw him standing by the window and told her that he was going out and she was cooking supper for her husband Patrick it just got her mad to that point where she threw that leg of lamb. Once she had threw that leg of lamb he fell to the floor and she ran to him she was scared that she can go to jail for killing him, after a couple seconds later she acted like her husband was alive, so she told him "Im going out to buy some vegetables". When Mary goes to buy her vegetables she tells sam "Patrick decided to stay in he's tired and doesnt want to go out to eat tonight, we usally go out on thursadys,you know, and now hes caught me without any vegetables. This irony is called situational irony because the grocer man Sam doesnt know that if Mrs.Maloney is lieing to him, Sam doesnt know that the husband is dead, and it makes it a situtaion.Another irony in this story is when Mrs.Maloney invites the detectives for a leg of lamb which she and the detectives dont know that was the weapon to use to murder her husband Mr.Maloney, this uses dramatic irony, this creates a dramatic irony because they dont know and she makes it obvious at the end.

How this story made it  memorable was to use  the drama in the story and the situational irony. It made you wander or it made you question yourself what did the husband say to make his wife kill him?, did they ever find out it was her that killed him? Thats how this story made it turn memorable.



  1. You did a very good job , your thesis is good . :)

  2. great opening that support strong thesis statement you provide two different irony like situational and dramatic irony in the story that's easy to understand.
