Friday, January 17, 2014

                                   "Who is Shakespeare" ?

Who wrote Shakespeare? is about identifying who actually wrote the plays of Shakespeare, "Everybody said he wrote the plays, including people like Ben Johnson and other playwrights that he was competing with". 

Shakespeare wrote about Roman characters like Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, and Coriolanus. He wrote wonderful poetry. William Shakespeare was an actor, he did the plots of the play. Over the years of his death, some academics and professors believed that a gloners son from Stratford could not have the brains to write these plays.

After the death of Shakespeare, a priest called the "Reverend James Wilmot" to investigate old records at Stratford. He said he couldn't find anything about William Shakespeare as in letters, books owned by him, or any mentions of "Shakespeare the Play Writer". James Wilmot couldn't believe that gloners son like Shakespeare could become a favorite of a king and queen. After the investigations that Wilmot had done to search about William Shakespeare he did not find anything, so the suspicion began to happen that Shakespeare plays weren't written by William Shakespeare.

Since academics, professors and James Wilmot started to suspect that the plays were not written by William Shakespeare they had to question themselves, who actually wrote the plays. They claimed every person like Queen Elizabeth, King James |, Anthony Bacon, Henry Wriothesley, Earl of South Hampton, The Earl of Rutland, William Stanley Earl of Derby, Edward de Vere Earl of Oxford, Sir Francis Bacon, and Christopher Marlowe. All of these people have claimed they had to read the investigate about them. What they did to investigate about them was to see if they ever wrote plays before. The reason why they did this because they wanted to see who actually wrote the plays.

Queen Elizabeth lord drama, she was a high class lady who loved writing plays. King James | is a king that was fanatical about witchcraft, he did a play called Macbeth which is about witchcraft and and kingship. Anthony Bacon visited the French Kings Court in the early 1590's, he wrote a play called"Love Labours Lost". Henry Wriothesley

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