Sunday, November 30, 2014

EPT Essay on Mead

     The quality we celebrate  or admire in people of is the people with the highest grades, most attractive, or most likely to succeed. We never tend to admire others for the things they do such as having talent with singing, dancing, drawing, or the person that works hard the most. Margaret Mead said “we tend to regard the success of people close at hand, within our own small group, as a threat”. This statement means that people who have talent in our own groups (classmates for example) we feel threatened or jealous of their talent.

   My question is what do you think about this argument? Do you think we tend to admire people that are celebrities or sport stars or singers as long as they are famous, or not in our group? I think it is true that we do admire people that are celebrities or sports stars, now why do we do this? Why do we admire them but not in our group? Perhaps because we think they have more talent compared to our own group, and most likely we admire them more because we think they have more talent compared to our own group and most likely we admire them more because they are famous! If somebody in our school was a pro at basketball and had a basketball game, people would love to come see the guy the play, but if it was Angelina Julie people would rather see her than the professional basketball player at our school. This happens because she’s famous, she’s attractive, and maybe because they she has a good heart, on the other hand they don’t know that the basketball player has a good heart, and maybe the basketball player isn't attractive. We can make a change to how we should admire people that are not famous.

    People who have talent in our own groups such as classmates or athletes feel threatened/jealous of their own classmate or the other athletes. We question ourselves why do you feel like this, why are we jealous of others. I wouldn't say I feel threatened by them unless they are trying to compete then yes I would feel threatened by them because you can work so hard in basketball and all that hard work that you did is thrown away because there is another player that is better than you and he doesn't work hard enough he still gets recognized and the other person doesn't, but I do agree that we get jealous of other peoples talent because you tend to work so hard and you feel like you have low standard because you put all your thinking into it, but the people who have talent they just do it, and us students feel jealous because of that.

     In addition to this we shouldn't feel jealous or threatened by other groups that have talent, we should believe in ourselves and know that we might not have the talent they have but we always have a way of finding our own.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

what is an american?

An American is a person that is a united citizen to America, But that’s what every person thinks just because we were born in the US doesn’t make us Americans and just because our parents were born in America doesn’t make us white American people. I believe there is a difference between being in America and being an American. There is more to just being an American, there are all kind of history.

Being in America is one thing, to be in America you have to respect the laws, but you get freedom. The reason why we have laws is because some people in America take advantage of it and tend to do dense things. For example selling drugs, shootings, rape, kidnapping, etc… I feel that these people don’t deserve to be in America, there are people out there that have suffered with slavery, or immigrants that cropped our farms and don’t get the freedom. I say this because they sacrifice their selves for us, and we don’t thank them or appreciate them, even the African Americans that suffered through slavery.

Being an American is someone who demands what they want. Sometimes I think the four fathers were the people who beat fair people; America was built on blood, slavery and lies. The blood was built on a land where it was originally Native American. This was the blood that was part of Americas upcoming. 

Also the slavery was when the African Americans were taken away from Africa to “free them” to work for them and become slaves and get an amount of money a day, or most of the wages that was nowhere after taking a family. This situation is compared to the immigrants that came to the United States to be freed and make money by farming but to those immigrants it felt like slavery they were only getting paid a certain amount of money.

Everyone has suffered throughout life but there are certain people that have been through hell. My point is that I find it unfair that they treat African Americans, immigrants or Hispanics, and Muslim people, they always have to be so stereotypical with a certain race, and they have to pay the most consequences. We all are Americans! And we should all be treated equally the same, even if you are a Jew, Russian, Italian, Korean, etc… You are American.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

We wonder how people’s life is like as their childhood to their teenage years went by. My friends and family say I have an interesting life because I went through so much when I was young and even now. I was born in California but raised in Kingston, New York, I lived with my mom, grandma, and my uncle’s girlfriend that is Puerto Rican. I have two brothers one is thirteen years and the other one is turning 19, I am the only girl. At times it sucks being the only girl because I am the one being depended on mostly. But I knew it was only for the best of me. When I was nine years old my mom had passed away on October 6, 2006, she was murdered by her ex-boyfriend  it was the worst thing that had ever happened to me in life, I felt like It wouldn’t be the same without her, I had to leave to California to live with my dad. In my head I knew it would be different because I am being raised by a single father, but that’s not the only thing that had changed, I had to take therapy classes because they didn’t want us to be depressed through our whole life and they wanted to check up on how we feel since my mom passed away, but I felt that it didn’t make me feel better. As the years passed by through middle school to high school I knew I had to focus on graduating high school and go to college and get a major in Psychology, psychology is one of the subjects that interest’s me and motivate me to get a career and a bright future ahead of me. Psychology may be one of the things that I like but I have a passion for volleyball, even though I just started last year, playing volleyball is a hobby for me I got other hobbies like running, shopping, and I guess you can consider reading as a hobby. The type of books I like reading are drama type, crime scenes, or basically a book that leads you to read more and a book that isn’t boring. My favorite subjects are math and English and my worst subjects are science and history. My dream college is Pepperdine University or New York University, I always wanted to go to one of these schools and hopefully I do. As I get older I have to go to Sacramento and talk to these specific people about my mom’s murder and when I get there I want to know the real story of mom’s murder case, my family don’t want to tell me the full story because they think I am too young to know or I wouldn’t understand. My goals are to graduate high school, graduate college and get a major in Psychology and take care of my family and show them that I am a strong young lady that fights for what she wants.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

         The story Grapes of Wrath is about a family moving to California during the "Great Depression". The family is from Oklahoma, they came to California in search for gold and to work. In Oklahoma they had lived in a farm and they would work inside the farm. Since they have lived in Oklahoma they were put in line during the "Great Depression'. The family worked hard so they would go to California and get rich, and have good hopes in their lives.

         In "Brother Can You Spare a Dime?" is about a man working hard to earn money in California. He was living his life but if he wanted to achieve his dream he had to follow it and work hard for it. The man that had been working hard he felt that he would get a dime out of each job he did. The man did these things because he was poor. I think this dime meant that they were going for the american dream to get money, to save themseleves, or to save him self.

         These two men are both in need for money and a job but they both have a dream and to follow the dream. The man in "Bother, Can you Spare a Dime?" "building a dream" talks about how he is trying to make his dream come true, also he works hard so he can have a better life. The man in Grapes of Wrath wanted a better life for his family because he didn't have any money so he had to sell the farm.

         The man in the song describes the work he has done such as plowing the earth, building a railroad, building a tower and his military service. The work that reveals about this man is that he did all these things and he made it run, in the text it says "once i built a railroad, i made it run, made it race against time". Once i built a railroad 

Friday, January 17, 2014

                                   "Who is Shakespeare" ?

Who wrote Shakespeare? is about identifying who actually wrote the plays of Shakespeare, "Everybody said he wrote the plays, including people like Ben Johnson and other playwrights that he was competing with". 

Shakespeare wrote about Roman characters like Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, and Coriolanus. He wrote wonderful poetry. William Shakespeare was an actor, he did the plots of the play. Over the years of his death, some academics and professors believed that a gloners son from Stratford could not have the brains to write these plays.

After the death of Shakespeare, a priest called the "Reverend James Wilmot" to investigate old records at Stratford. He said he couldn't find anything about William Shakespeare as in letters, books owned by him, or any mentions of "Shakespeare the Play Writer". James Wilmot couldn't believe that gloners son like Shakespeare could become a favorite of a king and queen. After the investigations that Wilmot had done to search about William Shakespeare he did not find anything, so the suspicion began to happen that Shakespeare plays weren't written by William Shakespeare.

Since academics, professors and James Wilmot started to suspect that the plays were not written by William Shakespeare they had to question themselves, who actually wrote the plays. They claimed every person like Queen Elizabeth, King James |, Anthony Bacon, Henry Wriothesley, Earl of South Hampton, The Earl of Rutland, William Stanley Earl of Derby, Edward de Vere Earl of Oxford, Sir Francis Bacon, and Christopher Marlowe. All of these people have claimed they had to read the investigate about them. What they did to investigate about them was to see if they ever wrote plays before. The reason why they did this because they wanted to see who actually wrote the plays.

Queen Elizabeth lord drama, she was a high class lady who loved writing plays. King James | is a king that was fanatical about witchcraft, he did a play called Macbeth which is about witchcraft and and kingship. Anthony Bacon visited the French Kings Court in the early 1590's, he wrote a play called"Love Labours Lost". Henry Wriothesley

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Lamb to the Slaughter Analysis

In this story'Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl uses irony to make the story memorable. Their is different type's of irony as in situational irony, and dramatic irony.

This story is about a wife named Mary Maloney who killed her husband named Patrick Maloney for something wrong he did. One day Mr.Maloney had came from work really tired, it was a thursday night, Mrs.Maloney said "We go out to eat on thursdays", but Mr.Maloney look tired, so she decided to make some cheese and crackers but Mr.Maloney didn't feel the need to eat becasue he had so much things going on his mind. He was thinking a lot that it made him worried and nervous to tell his wife and get over it but it wasn't that easy for him. What did Mr.Maloney have to say to his wife? Was it something bad?

When Mr.Maloney had told her the bad news, Mary was shocked she didn't believe any of it, like that was her imangination as if she had seen the whole thing. She was so upset that she just wanted to act like nothing happen, so she went downstairs to her basement to get a leg of lamb. As she walked upstairs and saw her husband she threw the leg of lamb she had in her hand, she felt like she had to throw the leg of lamb to him because she saw him standing by the window and told her that he was going out and she was cooking supper for her husband Patrick it just got her mad to that point where she threw that leg of lamb. Once she had threw that leg of lamb he fell to the floor and she ran to him she was scared that she can go to jail for killing him, after a couple seconds later she acted like her husband was alive, so she told him "Im going out to buy some vegetables". When Mary goes to buy her vegetables she tells sam "Patrick decided to stay in he's tired and doesnt want to go out to eat tonight, we usally go out on thursadys,you know, and now hes caught me without any vegetables. This irony is called situational irony because the grocer man Sam doesnt know that if Mrs.Maloney is lieing to him, Sam doesnt know that the husband is dead, and it makes it a situtaion.Another irony in this story is when Mrs.Maloney invites the detectives for a leg of lamb which she and the detectives dont know that was the weapon to use to murder her husband Mr.Maloney, this uses dramatic irony, this creates a dramatic irony because they dont know and she makes it obvious at the end.

How this story made it  memorable was to use  the drama in the story and the situational irony. It made you wander or it made you question yourself what did the husband say to make his wife kill him?, did they ever find out it was her that killed him? Thats how this story made it turn memorable.


Edward Snowden

    Edward Snowden is a criminal whom has hacked into g-mail accounts, conversations on cellphones and computers, and business records. I believe that Edward Snowden should pay the consequences for what he did, it wouldn't be safe if he wasn't in jail Snowden can expose something that's not suppose to be said. In this text it proves that "Snowden also leaked a secret 41-slide power point presentation apparently used to train U.S intelligence personnel. The slides detail the NSA's involvement in a then-clandestine program called PRISM". PRISM is the NSA effort to collect data from internet as in search histories, it can access to YouTube, Skype, Google, and other industry. "Edward Snowden a twenty-nine year old former C.I.A employee and current government contractor has leaked news of National Security Agency programs that collect vast amounts of information about telephone calls made by millions of Americans, as well as e-mails and other files of Foreign targets and their American connections. This proves that Edward Snowden is a criminal because he knew what he was getting into, he knew what he was going to expose, he had the ability to go through people personnel conversations, calls, texts, anything! He should be put in prison because their is a possibility he can take money from people's credit card. "No one can know what was in Edward Snowden's mind, but clearly he could of had a reasonable belief the documents he leaked to the news media revealed government illegality and abuse of authority". "In the two months since Snowden alleged disclosures, no fewer than fine law suits have been filled challenging the legality of the surveillance programs he exposed". 

     In my belief Edward Snowden is whistle blower because he was a C.I.A employee and current government contractor and he hacked into credit cards, phone calls, and get passwords. A whistle blower is a person who exposes misconduct, alleged dishonest or illegal activity occurring in an organization. "The whistle blower Protection Act protects any disclosure that a covered employee reasonably believes evidence any violation of any law, rule, or regulation, or gross mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, and abuse of authority in substantial and specific danger to public Health or Safety." Edward Snowden is a whistle blower, but in my belief he did the right thing because the government listened to phone call conversations, and locations where we are located at. Edward Snowden is a whistle blower, it proves that he isn't a criminal just because he leaked into g-mail accounts he said "If i wanted to see your e-mails on your wife's phone, all i have to do is use intercepts". This didn't make Edward Snowden a criminal, instead in act that speaks move to his ego than his conscience, he threw secrets up in the air to let people know what the government was doing, and trusted, somehow, that good would come of it. Now we all have to hope if hes a criminal or a whistle blower.